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Isolation tank and Flotation-REST

Publish Time: 2023-03-23     Origin: Site

An isolation tank sensory deprivation tank, flotation tank, flotation tank, flotation tank, flotation tank, or sensory attenuation tank is a water-filled, pitch-black, light-proof, sound-proof environment, heated to the same temperature as the skin, developed in 1954, John C. Lilly.Flotation tanks are widely promoted as an alternative medicine, but the health benefits are unproven.


The tank is filled with 10 inches of water that contains enough dissolved Epsom salts to produce a specific gravity of approximately 1.25–1.26.This environment allows the individual to float effortlessly on the water.

Alternative medicine

Flotation is widely promoted as an alternative medicine for health benefits, but these claims are often exaggerated and poorly supported.Despite the lack of scientific backing, people have sought to cure many ailments from floating, ranging from muscle tension, chronic pain, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis to PMS.A 2005 meta-analysis of clinical trials conducted at the time found that trials were often small and error-prone, but given this limitation, the use of isolated tanks (known as "floating REST" or "restricted environmental stimulation" therapy" in the literature) seem to be useful for stress management.


  • Scientific research on floating tank therapy often uses the term "float-REST"(Reduced Environmental Stimulus Therapy) to refer to the technique.This term is preferred over "sensory deprivation"because 1) the pontoon actually enhances sensory input to the body (e.g.,cardiorespiratory sensations) and can also be conceptualized as a form of sensory augmentation[13] and 2) the term "sensory deprivation"carries negative connotations of torture and hallucinations, which may hinder legitimate research in this field.

  • Famous user

  • Aaron Traywick,an American businessman and life extension activist, drowned in an isolation tank in 2018.An autopsy found evidence of ketamine in his system.

  • Carl Lawson,former New York Jets and former Cincinnati Tigers football player, uses water tanks for muscle recovery and vision training.

  • Carl Lewis, a track and field athlete, used in-can visualization to prepare for his long jump gold medal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

  • During Super Bowl XLIX, two NFL teams (New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks) rented a local floating spa for the week of the event.One team floats in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

  • Christof Koch, a neuroscientist known for his research on consciousness,said he had "what some call a mystical experience" in a float tank in Singapore.

  • Joe Rogan has stated several times on his podcast that he owns an isolation tank and believes it can bring people into a deeper state of meditation.

  • In 1979, John Lennon treated his heroin addiction with 90-minute floats in a cedar box.

  • Marvin Jones, wide receiver for the Jacksonville Jaguars with the Cincinnati Bengals and Detroit Lions, began using flotation therapy while in Cincinnati to help him recover from an ankle injury.

  • Phil Lester visited a YouTube video on his channel "AmazingPhil" on February 17, 2020.

  • Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics, in Mr. Feynman, You Must Be Joking! discusses his experience with isolation tanks.

  • Several NFL teams including the New England Patriots, Los Angeles Rams and New Orleans Saints, reportedly use flotation as a way to improve players' sleep quality and aid recovery.

  • 2015 two-time NBA MVP Stephen Curry reportedly uses sensory deprivation jars every two weeks.

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